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Training Course

Eagle 6 Tactical LLC is proud to offer NRA Certified Firearms Training Courses. Click on the Course title to Request a Training Event. Eagle 6 will be in contact with you to coordinate your personal NRA certified training instruction.

Course Description

The Basic Pistol course with Eagle 6 Tactical, LLC is a personal, objective based block of instruction. It will be scheduled for eight hours to ensure that students will get the Basics of Pistol Shooting  and receive an extensive lesson in safety, gun handling, the various types of pistols, the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship, various pistol firing positions, several practical exercises on the firing range, cleaning, and storage of your firearms. There will never be more than two students per class, to ensure that your personal needs are covered and objectives met. My intent is to get you comfortable and secure with the use of your firearm, not to train in numbers.

Course Introduction

The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course introduces students to the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for owning and using a pistol safely. Through this course, the students will learn about pistol parts and operation, ammunition, gun safety, pistol shooting fundamentals, and pistol shooting activities. The Basic Pistol Course will also help prepare the student for participation in other NRA courses.

Lesson I - Pistol Knowledge and Safe Gun Handling 
  1.      Responsibilities and Safe Gun Handling  

  2.      Types of Pistol Actions 

  3.      Revolver nomenclature demonstration and exercise 

  4.      Semi-Automatic Pistol nomenclature demonstration and exercise 

  5.      Operating Revolvers and Semi-Automatic Pistols 

  6.      Rules for Safe Gun Handling  

  7.      Causes of firearm accidents 

  8.      Storage of firearms 

  9.      Practical Exercise – Safe Gun Handling & Gun operating procedures

Lesson II - Ammunition  
  1.      Components of a cartridge 

  2.      Rim-fire and center-fire cartridges 

  3.      Firing sequence of a cartridge 

  4.      Cartridge designation and identification 

  5.      Storage of ammunition 

  6.      Cartridge Malfunctions – misfire, hangfire, squib load 

Lesson III - Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 
  1.      Aiming 

  2.        1. Sight Alignment 

  3.        2. Sight Picture 

  4.      Hold Control 

  5.        1. Grip 

  6.        2. Arc of Movement 

  7.      Breath Control 

  8.      Trigger Control 

  9.      Follow-Through 

  10.      Demonstrations and practical exercise 

Lesson IV - At the Range - Preparation 
  1.      Range Safety Briefing 

  2.      Introduction of Range Safety Officers, staff and other personnel 

  3.      Range layout and limits 

  4.      General safety rules 

  5.      General range safety rules 

  6.      Hygiene guidelines 

  7.      Site specific range rules 

  8.      Range Commands 

  9.      Load 

  10.      Commence Firing 

  11.      Cease Firing 

  12.      Firearm problems 

Lesson V – Firing the First Shots 
  1.      Range Safety Rules and Range Safety Briefing  

  2.      Demonstration of the Benchrest Position 

  3.      Align the position with the target 

  4.      Practice the position dry-fire at the target 

  5.      Live fire single- shot exercise (10 times) at 15 feet 

  6.      Evaluation of Shooting Practice 

  7.      Live fire five-shot exercise (2 times) at 15 feet 

  8.      Evaluation of Shooting Practice 

  9.      Demonstration of the Two-Handed Standing Shooting Position 

  10.      Align the position with the target 

  11.      Practice the position dry-fire at the target 

  12.      Live fire single-shot exercise (10 times) at 15 feet 

  13.      Evaluation of Shooting Practice 

  14.      Live fire five-shot exercise (2 times) at 15 feet 

  15.      Evaluation of Shooting Practice

Lesson VI - Scoring Targets, Selecting and Maintaining a Pistol
  1.      Scoring of Targets 

  2.      Factors in pistol selection 

  3.      Cleaning and caring of the pistol 

  4.         1. Cleaning equipment, best practices and procedures 

  5.         2. Cleaning - Practical Exercise 

  6.         3. Repairs only by the factory or experienced gunsmith 

Lesson VII – Continued Opportunities for Skill Development 
  1.      Keep up on your shooting skills – Go to the Range  

  2.      Join the NRA if you are not a member – benefits of membership 

  3.      Keep current on local and national NRA news and events 

  4.      Winchester/NRA Pistol Marksmanship Qualification Program 

  5.      NRA Training Opportunities and programs 

  6.      Competitive Shooting 

  7.      NRA Clubs

Course Introduction

The Eagle 6 Tactical Instructor will provide feedback on the live-fire exercise and issue a  certificate upon successful completion of the course.

If you would like to schedule private instruction in a Basic Pistol Course, send an email or call Eagle 6 Tactical at (256) 417-1878.

The cost of this Basic Pistol course is $140.00 per person and includes all lesson materials (pistol, ammunition (200 rds.), targets, hearing and eye protection) and certificate.

Course Completion
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